Baby Wearing – A Chic and Healthy Alternative to Strollers

Keri Russell and Jen Garner Playdate

It’s exciting to see Keri Russell wearing her baby. The baby looks so content in this picture. She is transporting her child through the city along with Jennifer Garner and baby Violet with minimal effort. Thankfully there has been a surge in popularity for baby slings.

Wearing your baby in a sling is nothing new. In fact, women have been wearing their children all over the world for hundreds of years.

Laura Simeon MA, MLIS at The Natural Child Project lists:

Ten Reasons to Wear Your Baby

  1. Wearing a baby is convenient.
  2. Wearing a baby promotes physical development.
  3. Babies worn in slings are happier.
  4. Baby-Wearing is healthy for you!
  5. Toddlers appreciate the security of a sling.
  6. Baby-Wearing helps you and your baby to communicate with each other.
  7. Slings are a bonding tool for fathers, grandparents, and other care givers.
  8. Slings are a safe place for a child to be.
  9. Slings are economical.
  10. Baby-Wearing is fun.

To read the complete article at The Natural Child Project click HERE.

There are many different styles to choose from in baby carriers. You can even make your own. I predict we will see a lot more baby-wearing in the future.